176th Highland Games!
Friday, August 1, 2025 – Cèilidh
Saturday, August 2, 2025 – Highland Games
Greenmead Historical Village, 20501 Newburgh Rd, Livonia, Michigan 48152
The St. Andrew’s Society of Detroit
Founded in 1849, we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to preserving Scottish heritage through its arts, customs, dress, literature, and national games.
The countdown has started!
St. Andrew’s Society of Detroit’s Ceilidh is Metro Detroit’s premier Scottish concert. It is a kick-off party/concert to our Annual Highland Games and is held the night before the Games on the Games field.
Highland Dance
A great many tales and legends surround the origins of the Highland Dances.
Heavy Athletics
Scottish heavy athletics owe their roots to the Highland warriors who would keep in shape between battles by competing amongst themselves with everyday implements. A stone, a blacksmith’s hammer, a tree trunk (caber) became tools for building strength for battle. The Heavy Athletics event at Greenmead draws top professional athletes from all over the country including National and World champions. There is also an Amateur athletics class.