Our 2019 Clan Cultural Center
Clan Cultural Center Schedule
9:00 am – Judging of the Nesbitt Cup Begins
10:30 am – Honored Guest and Clan Award followed by Blessing of the Tartans
11:15 am – Parade of Clans Line Up
11:30 am – Parade of Clans on Main Field
Blessing of the Tartans at 10:30 am
Few countries in the world can boast a life span as rich or diverse as Scotland. The true story of the people, the battles, the nobility and its Kings and Queens, is more thrilling than any novel, and has more love stories than all the Hollywood movies. Scotland’s clans provide Scots everywhere with a point of reference for their identity, history and culture.
The term clan is now applied almost exclusively to the tribes into which the Scottish Highlanders were formerly, and still, to some extent, are divided. The term was also applied to those large and powerful septs into which the Irish people were at one time divided, as well as to the communities that inhabited the Scottish borders, each of which, like the Highland clans, had a common surname. Indeed, in an Act of the Scottish Parliament for 1587, the Highlanders and Borderers are classed together as being alike “dependents on chieftains or captains of clans.”
The border clans, however, were, at a comparatively early period, broken up and weaned from their predatory and warlike habits, whereas the system of clanship in the Highlands continued to flourish in almost full vigor down to the middle of the 18th century.
As there is so much of romance surrounding the system, especially in its later manifestations, and as it was the cause of much annoyance to England, it has become a subject of interest to antiquarians and students of mankind generally; and as it flourished so far into the historical period, curiosity can, to a great extent, be gratified as to its details and working.
Few countries in the world can boast a life span as rich or diverse as Scotland. The true story of the people, the battles, the nobility and its Kings and Queens, is more thrilling than any novel, and has more love stories than all the Hollywood movies. Scotland’s clans provide Scots everywhere with a point of reference for their identity, history and culture.
The term clan is now applied almost exclusively to the tribes into which the Scottish Highlanders were formerly, and still, to some extent, are divided. The term was also applied to those large and powerful septs into which the Irish people were at one time divided, as well as to the communities that inhabited the Scottish borders, each of which, like the Highland clans, had a common surname. Indeed, in an Act of the Scottish Parliament for 1587, the Highlanders and Borderers are classed together as being alike “dependents on chieftains or captains of clans.”
The border clans, however, were, at a comparatively early period, broken up and weaned from their predatory and warlike habits, whereas the system of clanship in the Highlands continued to flourish in almost full vigor down to the middle of the 18th century.
As there is so much of romance surrounding the system, especially in its later manifestations, and as it was the cause of much annoyance to England, it has become a subject of interest to antiquarians and students of mankind generally; and as it flourished so far into the historical period, curiosity can, to a great extent, be gratified as to its details and working.
Clan Donald – 2018 Nesbitt Cup Winner
1.Register Your Clan’s Reservation
2. Click on the button below to open and print the Clan Hold Harmless form. A signature is required on the form.
Please sign and return to the Clans Coordinator via email at clans@detroitscots.com
or via USPS mail at: Clan Coordinator, Chris MacKenzie, 4045 Lincoln Drive Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301
3. Reserve your covered site, tables, and chairs
Clans that were in attendance last year: (indicates web site)
Clan Baird
Clan Buchanan (theClanBuchanan.com)
Clan Campbell (Ccsna.org)
Council of Scottish Clans Assoc.
Clan Cumming
Clan Donald USA (ClanDonaldusa.org)
Clan Donnacgaidh (Donnachaidh.com)
Clan Elliott (ElliotClanUSA.com)
Clan Farquharson (ClanFarquharson.org)
Clan Fraser (cfsna.com)
Gordon – House of
Clan Graham (ClanGrahamSociety.org)
Clan Gunn
Clan Hay (ClanHay.com)
Clan Henderson
Clan Irvine (ClanIrwin.org)
Clan Kincaid (ClanKincaid.org)
Livonia United Masonic Lodge #152
Clan Logan (ClanLoganSociety.org)
Clan MacInnes (MacInnes.org)
Clan MacIntosh (cmna.org)
Clan MacKay
Clan MacKenzie (ClanMackenzie.com)
Clan MacLachan (cmana.net)
Clan MacLaren (ClanMacLarenNA.org)
Clan Maclean (Maclean.us.org)
Clan MacLeod
Clan MacPherson
Clan MacTavish
Clan Murry
Clan Nisbett (Ibydeit.org)
Clan Stewart (clansstewart.org)
Clan Thompson
Clan Wallace (ClanWallace.org)
Clan Young (ClanYoung.com)
Clan Cultural Welcome Center
Questions about Clans?
Clan Coordinator, Chris MacKenzie, at clans@detroitscots.com